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21st Century Skills

Skill as it sounds are certain things you can do creatively and effectively with less effort or with ease. Skill is an integral part of any society and of course, 21st century. It is to be noted that every human being was created with one unique ability or the other. This ability is what I call skill!

Skill, no matter how endowed one is with it it must be polished, developed and deployed. Skill can be developed by individuals who already discovered what skills they have. It can also be learnt. The latter seems to be more peculiar because most skills are leant regardless of whether you have such skill or not. Those who are gifted/talented in that area also need to learn or improve their skill.

Today we see a lot of innovations and life enriching skills/activities and campaigns everywhere; things to be done to improve our day to day living ranging from education, social, sports, media, IT, transportation, communication just to mention a few. Most of these developments are from skill acquisition. It is worth noting that the level of skills available to a society determines how developed that society can be!

The 21st century society is a dynamic one. Knowledge is constantly on the rise, technology rapidly evolving, etc. With the level of development in the world today it is no doubt that human existence on the planet has brought ease of performing so many tasks and thank to emerging skills.

Follow us on the next episode as we expose to you these eye-catching and mind-blowing post.

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Be skilled

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Whesu Emmanuel is an IT enthusiast, a Software Developer, Media Director and a blogger. He is an experienced web developer and a content creator.

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Emmy wrote
on 2022-10-12 07:46:20 Blogposts

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